spookygirafke's items

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Items spookygirafke owns

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These are a few of my most expensive / most hard to find closet items that I would ONLY part with for curious wintery petpets collectible. Please do not offer on them unless you are offering Curious Wintery Petpets Collectible.

+Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies
+ BF gbcs/some retired gbcs/some retired capsules like patapult, Altador cup, tutti frutti,.. see list below

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0. A Token swap i'm seeking!

Tokens available:
Darigan Shoyru

Tokens i'm seeking (in order of priority):
Grey korbat
Grey kacheek
Grey grundo
Faerie tonu

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0. Grams available (showing each possible item)

I have a few grams still available (sadly no LE's, except for the Berry Cute Chocolate Sweetheart Gram), resulting in the following being available (not all might be possible depending on the amount of grams left)
Since these items are still INSIDE THEIR GRAM, i will value each gram item at at the value of the highest valued gram item inside this specific gram, which means for the Berry Cute Chocolate Sweetheart Gram items i'll value them at the value of the bonus background, sorry!

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1. UFT Main account

This is a list of items i have uft on my main account. I'm mostly limited in boxes, so i'm only interested in trading for wishlist items, gbcs or dye potions. Feel free to neomail me!

Some items may be HTPW, so it's possible that i reject a perfectly fair offer on those, but it all depends on which wishlist item the offer is about :) Others are more "sure take it" ^^

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DW white: cyrstal collectors hat for your DW black: cyrstal collectors hat

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2. UFT on side 1

Current box amount: 4
99 refers to being (V)HTPW or a closet item, so please understand if i reject a perfectly fine offer on those items :)
Most of the items that came in a goodie bag are still in their goodie bag, so if you prefer to trade for the goodie bag that is totally possible for most items (certainly the ones without 99)!

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3. UFT on side 2

Current box amount: 2
99 refers to being (V)HTPW or a closet item, so please understand if i reject a perfectly fine offer on those items :)
Most of the items that came in a goodie bag are still in their goodie bag, so if you prefer to trade for the goodie bag that is totally possible for most items (certainly the ones without 99)!

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4. UFT on side 3

Current box amount: boxes available!
99 refers to being (V)HTPW or a closet item, so please understand if i reject a perfectly fine offer on those items :)
Most of the items that came in a goodie bag are still in their goodie bag, so if you prefer to trade for the goodie bag that is totally possible for most items (certainly the ones without 99)!

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5. UFT on side 4

Current box amount: 3
99 refers to being (V)HTPW or a closet item, so please understand if i reject a perfectly fine offer on those items :)
Most of the items that came in a goodie bag are still in their goodie bag, so if you prefer to trade for the goodie bag that is totally possible for most items (certainly the ones without 99)!

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6. Capsules only UFT for list 5b. DREAM ITEMS I'LL TRY TO OFFER GBCS/CAPS FOR unless i offer them to you for something else

Some older capsules i have (mostly one of each except when specifically mentioned under the impossible dreams section):
I will mostly list personal values based on ~valisar and release date (+1/year since last trade or release sometimes) or how hard they are to part with. Willing to negotiate but these are my personal values, please respect if i decline trading for a lower value

Blooming Flowers Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~5)
Bohemian Dots Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~6)
Bursting Bubblegum Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Campfire Smores Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Candy Striped Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~3)
Cherry Blossom Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~2)
Crystalline Ice Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Disco Fever Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1-2)
Dripping in Ice Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~3)
Fall Forager Gift Box Mystery Capsule id 83200 (~1)
Fall Forager Gift Box Mystery Capsule id 83168 (BF) (~1-2)
Fantastic Fall Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~2)
Flower Power Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~2-3)
Fruitful Flowers Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Gingerbread House Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~5)
Glitz & Glam Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1-2)
Golden Clovers Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~4)
Hocus Pocus Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Kaleidoscope Dreams gift box mystery capsule id 81816 (personal value ~4)
Kaleidoscope Dreams gift box mystery capsule id 81979 (BF) (~1-2)
Lemony Splash Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~4)
Linen & Lace Gift Box Mystery Capsule id 78772 (no idea)
Linen & Lace Gift Box Mystery Capsule id 78867 (no idea)
Mermaid Dreams Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Mosaic Hearts Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1-2)
Mysterious Moonlight Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1-2)
Misty Mountains Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1-2)
Seasons Greetings Rainblug Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Shining Stars Gift Box Mystery Capsule (personal value ~4)
Sizzling Summer Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~2)
Summer Citrus Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1)
Sunset Summer Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~1-2)

Altador Cup Retired Mystery Capsule 2022 (personal value ~2)
Baby Bash Retired Mystery Capsule (personal value ~3)
Beaming Baby Retired Mystery Capsule (personal value ~3)
JubJub Power Bounce Retired Mystery Capsule (personal value ~4)
MME Retired Mystery Capsule id 82414 (personal value ~4)
NC Mall 14th Birthday Ona Mystery Capsule (~2)
NC Mall 15th Tutti Frutti Birthday Capsule (personal value ~1-2)
Retired Altador Cup Mystery Capsule id 81327 (no idea yet)
Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule id 80833 (2nd year) (personal value ~3-4)
Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule id 82182 (3th year) (personal value ~3-4)
Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule 2022 (4th year) (~2-3)
Retired MME Mystery Capsule id 78420 (personal value ~5) (currently RESERVED)

Icy Shenanigifts Invitation 1-Pack (from 2016, personal value around ~7)

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Items spookygirafke wants

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0. NC items I need NOW for my new pets!

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1. NC Priority Wishlist

The priority items i'm looking for, meaning: I have a customisation in mind that i'm trying to complete with one of these items. Some in this list are more priority than others though, depending on which item is most necessary and which can be replaced by something else if i can't find the trade or run out of boxes.

When low on boxes, i'm saving my boxes for items in this wishlist, I even MIGHT be able to do a gbc for them depending if i have one or not

Always in need of gbcs too!

If an item is marked '88' it means i contacted someone with a trade proposal and am waiting for them to reply before seeking another trade

<!--Currently very low on boxes so only seeking a few of these and a few of my werelupe's wishes (see list below). Due to boxes, i can't currently trade for casual wishes!-->

Feel free to neomail me if you spot something on my TL and can offer a custom! I am always seeking buyable things too!

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1a Items needed for my new werelupe coming home in July 2018!

1b. Casual wishes that i'm currently seeking

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1c Buyables needed

Possibly seeking them for items that are not htpw or in 2:1 sales, but might also not actively be seeking them yet

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2. NC Casually Seeking Wishlist

Items i'm casually seeking for future customisations or general use on one of my pets (not decided yet)

If an item is marked '88' it means i contacted someone with a trade proposal and am waiting for them to reply before seeking another trade
Other numbers are for my own reference (amount needed and account it needs to go to and such)

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3. Seeking in 2=1 sale

Seeking in a 2=1 sale if i have a gbc or otberwise 1=1 with a small item from my tradelist THIS LIST IS OUTDATED, I'M NOT CURRENTLY SEEKING THESE UNLESS I OFFER

If an item is marked '88' it means i contacted someone with a trade proposal and am waiting for them to reply before seeking another trade

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I tried to save up some gbcs (including BF gbcs) and NC 15th Birthday Tutti Frutti capsules or retired dyeworks mystery capsule 2022 (~2-3 on valisar) for one of the following wishes. I can't afford them all, just one or two depending on the value and depending on my current box amount (i currently need to open some gbcs to get enough boxes). I also have SOME slightly older, slightly higher valued capsules. If you are a collector seeking some specific items, feel free to check my list "6. Capsules only UFT for list 5b. DREAM ITEMS I'LL TRY TO OFFER GBCS/CAPS FOR" on my TL above.
Please note the old capsules in list 6 are NOT up for trade for anything else than the items listed below.

If you would trade your item for GBCs or BF gbcs or 15th birthday tutti frutti capsules or any other caps, please neomail me

Order of priority:
- Curious Wintery Petpets Collectible
- Magical Floral Wig
- Gauze and Barbats Garland

I most likely will not be able to afford them all depending on what someone is seeking

Numbers are the amount of capsules I think would be fair, but i'm open to discussion ^^

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6. Replacements needed in the future for missing closet items

Items i used to have in my closet that are MIA.

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ZZZ. Paint brush clothing I need

I probably don't have an unclothed pet for these though. But these are paint brush clothes I need for different painted pets as cross-paints.

IF THE "AMOUNT NEEDED" IS 99 INSTEAD OF 1, it means I have the UNCLOTHED PET AVAILABLE (either as a permie or for cross-paint purpose)!

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