Lartherian's items

Neomail gustavo_henrique_38 gustavo_henrique_38's lookup

Items Lartherian owns

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Hi! I'm returning from long hiatus, so I probably missed a lot of stuff. Maybe my lists aren't totally updated right now, in wishes or in items I'm trading, but feel free to ask! Trying my best to keep it updated! Feel free to mail me anytime, I may even discover new things looking at your lists! Thank you!

Hello! I hope you find here what you're looking for and, who knows, maybe I'm lucky enough for you to have something I want! Feel free to make an offer, I will look and consider each one with care!

I'll do my best to reply every single neomail as soon as possible, sorry if somehow I take too long to give you an answer, college life is being though.

I would like to remember that some of the items listed here have more personal value than others and I may not want to trade unless it's a very special condition. Feel free to ask, but I hope you understand if I decline the offer, even if it's a very very good one.

Update: BACK TO COLLEGE! Not trading right now, might take weeks to answer!

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Items from my Shenkuu Gallery. I'm forever grateful to everyone who helped me acquiring these items and probably will always be looking to make it more complete.

You may check it here:

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Highlights - HTP

Some valuable items I'll let visible because there's great chance I'll trade for important wishes. The majority of these items are in my CLOSET, so they are important to me.

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Non-Wearable UFT

Access here:

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SDB List

The items listed here I do not use (or at least not much) and are probably UFT. Some, however, may be HTP, some may be moved to the closet and I'm using at a certain moment. Ask me if you want something so I'll check the availability.

I would like to make clear that I DO NOT MAKE 2:1 SALES. Every single item I have is important to keep and to do trades cause I don't buy nc regularly. I'm not interested in getting rid of them. I'll always reject 2:1 offers even if I have no boxes. My priority always will be another items, never GBCs, as my priority is not to trade, but to customize my pets.

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War Collection

Bare your blade and raise it high! We're entering a fierce battle!

NONE of these items are UFT.

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(Not in a list)

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Items Lartherian wants

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1. Act II

This ain't Texas, ain't no hold 'em, so lay your cards down down down

I can't hide it, I just want this to be ready for Beyonce's Act II ^^'

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1. Elarieta's Customization Wishlist

New pet, so she urgently needs clothing! High priority!

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1. Priority - Trem's customization Wishlist

New pet, so it's an urgent list as I still don't have enough clothing for him!

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1. Sword Collection (Priority!)

Unlike the general swords I want just for collection, these are the ones I actually like and would love to have them to customize.

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2. Seasonal

Very specific items for specific customs that time. This list will not be always be shown, but if you see it, I'm immediately seeking those things, even more than some priorities!

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4. Ach's Customization Wishlist

Specific items for specific looks for Prince_Achiles. Not a priority, but I'll consider most of the offers cause it's always nice to increase the closet.

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4. Atlas' Customization Wishlist

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4. Galathrim's Customization Wishlist

4. Greim's Customization Wishlist

Specific items for specific looks for Greims. Not a priority, but I'll consider most of the offers cause it's always nice to increase the closet.

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4. Nick's Makeup Wishlist

5. Random items I like

I really like these items and I would love to have them to customize someday. Right now, I do not have an urgent use for them in mind, so I'm not seeking them actively right now. Hardly a priority, but maybe in the right place at the right moment, an offer with them may be very effective! Good luck!

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We all wear masks my dear, not just the people in Orlais. Orlesians codify this truth, make it visible. By giving each of these selves it’s own separate face, they believe they can be their truest selves unmasked.

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NP Item yet to buy

Just a reminder, but if you are selling one of these items (specially the rare ones and harder to find) please feel free to mail me!

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Shenkuu Gallery

Some of these items I already have on my closet, but I would like to have a spare to stay permanetly on the gallery. If you have one of these items and can help me to complete my gallery, either by trading nc items or selling np items, please mail me!

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