Please don’t reach out to me if you’re going to ghost me after I accept your trade offer. I will block people who do so 48 hrs after I accept the trade if I do not hear back from you. Even if you’ve found another trade elsewhere, just let me know. Thank you.
I may have differing values from ~owls for items in both my Regular and Highlight list
Most values I agree with ~Owls on but for others I may go based off of the seeking vs offering.
Customs/Cookies, GBC, and Wishes are all welcomed.
I may still turn down custom, cookie, and gbc offers depending on if I have a need for the item at any given time. Same goes for items on my Extras, Casual, Higher Cap, and Casual wishlists. Please still feel free to offer though since the worse I can say is no.
If you see something you like, and you found me through impress.neo, please feel free to neomail me. I try and be rather responsive even if I end up declining your trade but give me about 24hrs to respond.
Unless it’s listed on my TL, it’s not UFT - ie items on my pets are not UFT unless I offer
Styling Studio
Not looking to trade for Unreleased Tokens unless you’re seeking 1 DSSS for them. I can wait until release.
Extra Supplies listed below
0x Styling Studio Supplies
3x Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies
Current Tokens UFT:
Darigan Bori
Maraquan Zafara
Faerie Draik - Tentative
Current Token Wishes:
If you can see this list, it’s because I’m offering items from here for my priority WL
Consists of items I really like
Extra clothes for pets in these colors. If you don’t have the pet in the color of clothing listed then I can not trade you the items. Some of paint colors may not have all the items listed because Im using them in a cross paint custom
Clothes I couldn’t list as images but have:
Elderly Girl Aisha Clothes
Items I would like to trade for my high value wishlist items.
Mix of newer items with no set trade value, high value items, high seeking vs offering ratios, LEs, and pops.
Numbers indicate quantity. I may value these differently than ~owls depending on the seeking vs offering but feel free to give me an offer. Worst I can say is no
Most of these are in the 1-2 GBC range
Items listed as 110# are buyable and any number after the 0 is the quantity
Ex: 1103 = Buyable and I have 3
Any other number listed is quantity
Unopened Gram Items
Items I have on my side account.
7 Boxes Available
8 BFGBC Available
11 = Buyable
Values fluctuate between 1-2 to 2-3
A lot of the time I make a decision on value based on Owls and also the Seeking vs Offering amount
Numbers listed are quantity
Items for trade that can be currently bought in the Nc Mall as of Jan 2022. The numbers next to items indicates how many I have. Don’t really have a price range for these, but don’t have enough boxes to offer them in a 2:1 so, just offer whatever
Numbers are quantity
Where items currently in route are going if the trade may take longer than a couple mins
Items in the process of trading for, just waiting on replies
Dyeworks and new items that recently came out, that I’m looking for
This list is empty.Items I’m actively seeking to finish or enhance customizations
Esta lista está vazia.Just things I like and would like to trade for at some point
Items that are more obtainable but still a higher value.
Cap values for these items are roughly between 4-7
The more expensive cap value items that I like
Mainly a list of pops
Would prefer other items on my WL compared to this WL
Contains items I’d like extras of or items I could use to trade for other WL items
Set to public instead of trading, to avoid skewing the offering v seeking values.
Stuff my friends are seeking and I’m helping look out for ^^ if you have these and want to trade, please feel free to reach out