yasmin_sb's items

Neomail yasmin_sb yasmin_sb's lookup

Items yasmin_sb owns

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*Last Updated:*

13th August 2023


This list is empty.

01. Clothing

Numbers refer to quantity.

This list is empty.

02. Backgrounds + Background Items

Numbers refer to quantity.

This list is empty.

03. Foregrounds

Numbers refer to quantity.

This list is empty.

06. Handheld

Numbers refer to quantity.

This list is empty.

10. Wigs + Hats

Numbers refer to quantity.

This list is empty.

12. Thought Bubbles

Items yasmin_sb wants

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1. High Priority WL

This list consists of items I'd like to replace, or really want due to a planned custom. Mail me if you have them so we can sort out a trade!
I always have GBCs to offer, and have a hidden closet of popular and HTPW items that are available for the high value items in particular.

This list is empty.

3. Low Priority WL

Pretties that I want to fill up my closet a bit and give me more customisation options, but I'm in no hurry to get.

This list is empty.