starlightmill's items

Neomail starlightmill starlightmill's lookup

Items starlightmill owns

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000. non-wearables | some things


I'm newer back to trading and trying to trade for a lot that I missed. You can NM me anytime and I'll try to answer!

Tokens UFT:
Royalgirl Aisha
Royalgirl Cybunny
Halloween Lupe
Faerie Peophin
Faerie Kougra
Faerie Yurble
Faerie Ixi
Mutant Usul
Mutant Scorchio x2
Mutant Buzz
Darigan Uni
Grey Techo
Maraquan Kougra
Baby Kougra
Plushie Cybunny
Darigan Cybunny

Seeking other tokens! Especially faerie and royalgirl.

This list is empty.

002. backgrounds

all up for trade

This list is empty.

002. garland/lights/arches

all up for trade

This list is empty.

008. clothing

all up for trade

This list is empty.

099. misc / needs to be sorted

all up for trade

This list is empty.

Items starlightmill wants

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00. always seeking tokens!

Seeking these tokens:

  • RG Ixi
  • RG Cybunny
  • RB Cybunny
  • Faerie Cybunny
This list is empty.

02. mid priority

these are middle priority for me
some are for spares and some just are pretty

This list is empty.

03. low priority

these are super low for me, so just casually trading.

This list is empty.