gigiwuwi's items

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Items gigiwuwi owns

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0. Info

As of Mar 2025: Still online often and willing to trade for wishes and/or Dyepots/BFGBCs/Prismatic Brushes/SSS.

Slightly burned out from trading and mailing though, so expect slower replies or try to mail again if necessary.

I'm always offering DSSS in exchange for 2 SSS each.

Timezone is UTC +2 (CET)

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Looking for wishes or tokens/SSS and Dyepots/BFGBC/Prismatic Brushes as filler. Depending on the item also interested in full BFGBCs.

If offering tokens, I'm mainly interested in priority tokens at the moment. My token WL is here:

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The others

Open to offers, wishes, custom, (BF)GBC, SSS... Some decent stuff here too.

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Items gigiwuwi wants

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