kangaroos_luver's items

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Items kangaroos_luver owns

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All Owned Tokens

Tokens I Own:

RG Cybunny
Nostalgic Plushie Cybunny
Valentine Plushie Cybunny
Valentine Plushie Zafara

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Higher Valued Items

Mainly seeking wishes for these

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My UFT lists are always open to trade for GBCs Don't be afraid to offer; even if you're new to trading. I'm willing to help.

2 = items I find worth more than 1 GBC
but still willing to accept fair trades for them; not hard, definite rules

55 = pending trade

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UFT 01 Backgrounds

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UFT 02 Clothing

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UFT 04 Foreground + Foreground Items

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UFT 05 Hats, Wigs, & Head Accessories

This list is empty.

Items kangaroos_luver wants

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Highest Priority Wishes

I need these for my current pets

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Would Like to Have but low priority:
Nostalgic Faerie Ixi
Nostalgic Faerie Yurble
Nostalgic Faerie Wocky
Nostalgic Maraquan Shoyru
Nostalgic Royalgirl Zafara
Prismatic Pine: Festive Christmas Ixi

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