bqueen6430's items

Neomail bqueen6430 bqueen6430's lookup

Items bqueen6430 owns

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1. Intro

Hi, I'm BQ! Thanks for viewing my TL/WL! Feel free to Neomail me, but please know that my real life job requires me to work long and/or erratic hours, so I may take a bit longer to get back to you--sorry in advance. I still do my best to respond to every Neomail!

For values, I consider Owls and DTI ratios, as well as how I personally value the item. Please don't be offended if I reject a fair offer! If I decline your offer (or if you decline mine!), I will always be nice about it--that I can guarantee! These are just pixels and it's a game--there's no reason for it to be stressful. :)

Item numbers indicate quantity (unless otherwise noted). My main closet is hidden. Thanks and good luck trading!

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2. Highlights/HTPW

These are UFT--not all are necessarily high value, but are items I'm currently using or things I just really like. Some HTPW, others not so much. May be pickier with these and prefer to trade them for high priority wishes, but please still feel free to offer. Not accepting GBCs or custom for these.

99 = HTPW

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3. Regular Trade List

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4. Bargain Bin

Will trade these items 2:1 for regular GBC, or 4:1 for BFGBC. Take them please!

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Items bqueen6430 wants

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1. High Priority Wish List

Actively seeking these items for current customs.

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2. Medium Priority Wish List

Seeking these items but they are lower priority for me at this time.

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3. Lowest Priority

I like these items and do want them, but I may not be sure yet what I would do with them, or they could be for a planned pet that doesn't exist yet. I'm not actively seeking them at the moment. Open to offers for these, but please understand if I decline as they just aren't a priority. Probably not offering custom for these.

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4. LOL as if

HTF or high value items. Would be difficult to get ahold of these. But I can dream! XD If I have a lot of boxes, I may be down to trade for these! Otherwise they are lower priority if in this list.

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5. Trade pending

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