cabar20's items

Neomail sproutycakes sproutycakes's lookup

Items cabar20 owns

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Neomails are ALWAYS welcome! I am online at least one a day.

Numbers indicate quantity.

I generally follow ~OWLs but have listed items harder to part with under values I see appropriate. Please note, some higher value items I prefer item:item trades. I also try to keep my trade list as up to date as possible, but I am human, and there may be some discrepancies.

I live on Central Standard Time (NST+02:00hours; UTC-06:00). And I’m old and crotchety and am usually in bed by 9pm, so don’t expect late night replies. But I respond to EVERY message. If you haven't heard from me within 48 hours, your message was either not delivered, or my response was not delivered. Feel free to message again!

Numbers indicate quantity.

Esta lista está vazia.

Pending/ On Hold

Items pending trade

This list is empty.


Items I value at 1 GBC

This list is empty.


Items I value at 2 GBC

This list is empty.


Items I value at 3 GBC

This list is empty.


Items I value at 9 GBC

Esta lista está vazia.

Items cabar20 wants

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Primary Wants

Actively seeking and looking to trade!

This list is empty.

Secondary Wants

These are items that rotate nicely through my existing customs to change things up a bit. They would be nice to have after primary wishes are obtained.

Esta lista está vazia.

Tertiary Wants & Spares

I have no concrete plans for these items. This is more a catch all list of things that might be neat to customize with in the future. I am least likely to offer or accept trades for these if Primary or Secondary Wants are unfulfilled.

This list is empty.