angelcat262's items

Neomail angelcat262 angelcat262's lookup

Items angelcat262 owns

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0__- Hello! I'm Lola.


TOKENS: OFFERING: Jelly Kacheek, Tyrannian Acara//SEEKING: 25th Anniversary Usul and the following GREY tokens: bruce, buzz, chia, chomby, elephante, gelert, grarrl, jetsam, kyrii, lenny, meerca, moehog, pteri, quiggle, ruki, scorchio, techo, tonu, tuskaninny.

SUPPLIES: Seeking deluxe supplies.

BF/GBCs: Not seeking , offering for priorities only.

I'm online every day. I'm not always responsive, but you can try anyway! If you message me, please include a link to your TL as well. I may want to make a counter-offer if the original offer doesn't work for me.

I like casually trading but only when I have the boxes to spare. If I have customs I'm currently focusing on, they'll be my priority along with my regular wishlist.

I look up values with ~Owls and check DTI ratios and use those as a guideline for making fair trades.

If you have read this far and want to make a trade offer, you can contact me at angelcat262 on Neo. Please do not contact any other account about this TL/WL. I appreciate you taking the time to read my intro. :)

Thanks for looking!

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1 Newish Things?

UFT for my wishes, tokens, maybe custom =) Fair value offers, please!

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For wishes, tokens and/or casual trades!

Will maybe accept BF/GBCs for these!

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3 UFT DD's List

Might accept BF/GBCs for these!

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Items angelcat262 wants

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NC Wishlist 1-Priority

Check my note above for the tokens I'm looking for. Only message me at angelcat262.

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NC Wishlist 2-Gallery

Casually seeking these for my apple gallery.

Also need:

Smorgasbord Gift Box Mystery Capsules

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NC Wishlist 3-General

Casually seeking

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NC Wishlist 4-Foregrounds

Casually seeking these foregrounds

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NC Wishlist 5-Backgrounds

Casually seeking backgrounds

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