I'm only offering bfgbcs for my wishes right now. If I don't respond, it means I'm not interested in the offer. I have a lot going on in 2025 and not a lot of time for Neo or trading. I'm also currently not buying neocash so I cannot do customs. Sorry! =(
TOKENS SEEKING: the following GREY tokens: bruce, buzz, chia, chomby, elephante, gelert, grarrl, jetsam, kyrii, lenny, meerca, moehog, pteri, quiggle, ruki, scorchio, techo, tonu, tuskaninny.
This list is empty.Check my note above for the tokens I'm looking for. Only message me at angelcat262.
This list is empty.Casually seeking these for my apple gallery.
Also need:
Smorgasbord Gift Box Mystery Capsules
Casually seeking
Casually seeking these foregrounds
Casually seeking backgrounds