❥ A Winters Dance Retired MC ❥ Blossoming Witch Fall MC ❥ Cant Touch This Retired Green MC ❥ Cool Cacti Green MC ❥ Expressions II MC ❥ Precious Rose Retired MC 2024 ❥ Retired Fall-ing Cherry Blossoms MC ❥ Snoozing Maraquan Ma-Zzz-ew Retired MC ❥ So Mini Baby Colours MC ❥ Even More Mini Baby Colours MC ❥ Victorian Winter Ball MC
I will ALWAYS accept GBC's, MC's, Most Cookies, ask away.
I will likely only trade these items for my ASAP or High Priority WL, but feel free to ask!
Items from my sides
These are 2 items for 1 item/GBC
Plushies I need for my Gallery
I Just Think Their Neat.
Items for my wife to be sent to cassiedacorgi