oceanimals2's items

Neomail oceanimals oceanimals's lookup

Items oceanimals2 owns

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Hello and thanks for visiting! I love to trade!

ALL items visible on my trading lists are always UFT, and never HTPW! If you can see it, I have no problem trading it!

All numbers are quantity unless stated otherwise. When trading, I use ~OWLS as well as DTI ratios as a guideline, but I’m pretty laid-back and willing to negotiate!

If you see something you like, please feel free to send me your TL! I love finding new items.

Always seeking Dyepots & BFGBCs!

Also accepting GBCs and archive cookies!

I am online daily! If I don't respond within 24 hours, PLEASE send another message, I ALWAYS respond to offers but I know nm can be glitchy!

I currently CANNOT offer custom or GBC’s.

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*Non-Wearables UFT*

JellyNeo Link (a very short list):


Other Non-Wearables UFT:

-Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x5

-Perfect Matcha All Oolong Retired Green Mystery Capsule x4

-Unique Species Green Gram x2

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b. Dyeworks

Numbers=quantity! can do 2:1 bfbgc's for some low value items, just ask!

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e. Backgrounds

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g. Foreground/Background Items

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l. Sale!

3:1 for bfgbc

2:1 for GBC/Dyepot

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Items oceanimals2 wants

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**Non-Wearables Seeking**

I NEED BOXES! SEEKING BFGBCS! Willing to do 2:1 for bfgbc’s for lots of 1-2 value items, just ask!

I love retired mystery caps! Especially any retired DW caps! Some of my other favorites that I’m seeking are in this list:


But…if you have any other retired caps feel free to offer!

Also seeking dyepots & archive cookies :)

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1. Highest Priority: Customs/Future Customs

These are items I want the most and are planning on using for customs! I would be willing to trade bfgbcs for/towards these items if I have enough so please ask!

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2. High Priority: future customs?

Things I may or may not have a solid future custom planned for, but I really want them! some would make good additions to current customs.

Please feel free to send me your TL if you don't have anything here! There's a decent chance that I'll find something I like!

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2.5. Replacements/Spares Seeking

4. Seeking: Medium/low priority will def accept fair trades

No active custom plans, but I think they’re pretty and would like to have them. Hoping for 2:1 for some of the low value items on here but open to all offers!!

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