diaboli_puer's items

Neomail edalgnoom edalgnoom's lookup

Items diaboli_puer owns

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001. G r e e t i n g s

Feel free to neomail with offers, I'm usually on consistently.
I'm usually more interested in 1:1 trades for Highlights and Dyeworks but will also look at BF/GBC, Upcycle and Dyepots for all lists.

The double number indicates what side the item is on, for all other numbers, it is the quantity.

22 - ertaeht
33 - elitper
44 - ertauq
55 - edapacse

My closet is hidden and is only ever open if I'm working out a trade with someone or seeking a dream item ~

This list is empty.

002. M a i n C l o s e t

If this is public/trading, I'm after a HTF item or I'm working out a trade with someone.

If the item has 99, It's is incredibly unlikely that I would trade that item for anything.

This list is empty.

002. S i d e C l o s e t s

If this is public/trading, I'm after a HTF item or I'm working out a trade with someone.

If the item has 99, It's is incredibly unlikely that I would trade that item for anything.

This list is empty.

003. H i g h l i g h t s

This list is empty.

004. V H T P W

I have no custom plans for these items but I'm really attached so It's unlikely I'd trade from here unless I have doubles

This list is empty.

005. D y e w o r k s

I like collecting dyeworks so unless I have a extras, I'm less likely to trade them.

This list is empty.

008. G a r l a n d s

This list is empty.

013. U F T

Send an offer, I'll most likely be donating or recycling these items

This list is empty.

014. D y e p o t S a l e

1:1 Dyepot

This list is empty.

017. S a l e

This list is empty.

Items diaboli_puer wants

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001. D r e a m s