360spinfish's items

Neomail 360spinfish 360spinfish's lookup

Items 360spinfish owns

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Hi, welcome to my trading list! Here you will find stuff that I own and stuff that I want (of course). I try to log onto Neopets every day, but if you don't hear back from me, please be patient!

I also have a hidden closet of stuff I never bothered to upload to this site, so don't be afraid to show me your tradelists if you're looking for something!

Thank you for visiting!

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Hard to Part With

Some of these I'm picky with. Feel free to show me your tradelists if you don't have anything to offer on my wishlist! MAY be able to negotiate GBC or custom offers.

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Other Dyeworks UFT

Dyeworks that are in my regular UFT list.

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Feel free to negotiate. I'm usually generous with offers. GBC offers welcome!

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UFT 2:1 GBC or 1:1 Dyepot

Bleh just take these.

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Items 360spinfish wants

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Casual Wishlist

These'd be cool to have.

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Priority Wishlist

Seeking now!

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