eiwlie's items

Neomail eiwlie eiwlie's lookup

Items eiwlie owns

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000. i like pretties n shinies

someone once said my wl looks like an inspiration pinboard, and honestly???

I follow ~owls to an extent... I do take trade ratio's into consideration.

I'm currently looking for items from my list 005. high society
consider the other lists reminders and casual trade options.

222 - currently on the prowl for
888 - not seeking aka autoreject
444 - holding onto for the moment

last updated : O8 / 29 / 24

gbc: in terms of boxes, we have no boxes

This list is empty.

001. unwanteds

ready to drop like my gpa

This list is empty.

002. unlikely

are these up for trade?

in the wise words of kombucha girl: "you know what, no,, well,, laughs"

do i actually need these, or do i just have collectors anxiety?

This list is empty.

Items eiwlie wants

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011. luminous beings

016. starry night

sometimes if you scream at the void,
it will scream back with the most terrifying truth of all -

how much you've spent on nc

This list is empty.