Hello Wonderful Person!
I am so sorry if I failed to reply to your NM - please NM me again if that happened. I am sometimes forgetful - it is not personal at all and I always intend to reply, even if I'm not interested.
I mostly only list items that I have spares of here but I have a vast collection of NC wearables that are not listed so if you have any of my wishes but don't see yours, please show me your WL - I just might have them and be willing to trade.
Drop me a NM @ beingniceisfree with your offer!
I AM always SEEKING GBCs/BFGBCs, customs and D/SSS also!
I don't currently have custom or GBCs to trade - besides the older caps that I have listed on JN.
This list is empty.99 = picky or Hard to Part With
88 = Pending Trade
77 = Buyable
other numbers generally denote either value or a note to me about it being on my side acct
Also seeking: GBCs, DWs, customs and non wearable wishes: items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/beingniceisfree/
I am currently seeking the following TOKENS (for beingniceisfree):
Grey: Lutari, Blumaroo
RG: Cybunny, Kyrii
Halloween Poogle
Anniversary: Poogle, Aisha, Ixi, Kougra, Cybunny, Kacheek, Uni
I don't list items that I only have one of-
still, I might be willing to trade said items so, please
show me your wishes if you have any of mine UFT!
9's = higher priority
88 = pending trade
Please send to: chelseth
I'm also seeking her wishlists!
I am currently seeking the following TOKENS (for chelseth - my daughter):
Grey Elephante
RG Elephante
Red Ixi
Thank you! c: