lauraek96's items

Neomail lauraek96 lauraek96's lookup

Items lauraek96 owns

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A. Intro


A warning I do not update this profile very often.... but I am on neopets every day, so feel free to shoot me an NM!

My ONLY account is lauraek96 so if you get anything from anyone else claiming to be me, that ain't right

Last updated October 2023

Started playing Neo again in 2020 for the first time since childhood and am pretty new to NC trading so bear with me please! Generally down to consider basically any trade as long as they're fair. I go by ~Owls for valuing and consult ~Waka/VCs/~Eya's guide on ratios when values aren't on Owls, and will take GBCs, Archive cookies, WL items, and maybe customs depending on the trade :-)

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AB: General UFT List

Feel free to ask about 2:1 or deals depending on items.

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B. Highlights

Some pretties/populars/valuables of note (but just because they're in this list doesn't mean they're HTPW necessarily, so please offer away!)

99 = in use/ def htpw but not off limits for the right offer

9999 = not uft for the moment unless you're really willing to over-offer

prefer to trade these for/toward my wishes!

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C. Closet/NC for wishes

Items currently in my closet. Varying levels of attachment to these, though they're mostly reserved for trading towards wishes or as part of a larger trade offer :-)

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E. NC UFT - Clothing, Accessories, Wigs, Etc.

I've got no particular attachments to any of these items, so offer away!

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Items lauraek96 wants

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C. NC wants

Generally think they're pretty but don't have specific customs planned for most, and realistically for the higher value items (3+ GBC) I'm also not willing to part with so much IRL money to get them unless you want to do item:item (but hey, I can fantasize!)

55 = pending trade/message out for a trade so on hold

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