nowthy's items

Neomail nowthy nowthy's lookup

Items nowthy owns

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3. Pretties

Some of the items are discounted.

Number = my estimate value in caps (may disagree with guides). No number = 1.

This list is empty.

4. Dyeworks

Some of the items are discounted.

Number = my estimate value in caps (may disagree with guides). No number = 1.

This list is empty.

5. Dyeworks 2

This list is empty.

6. Backgrounds

Some of the items are discounted.

Number = my estimate value in caps (may disagree with guides). No number = 1.

This list is empty.

7. Backgrounds 2

This list is empty.

8. General NC

This list is empty.

Items nowthy wants

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1. Priority

Numbers = OWL values

This list is empty.

5. NP wishes

Dress to Impress
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