pootlecat00's items

Neomail pootlecat00 pootlecat00's lookup

Items pootlecat00 owns

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A) For Trade (New Items)

Please neomail pootlecat00 to set up a trade!
Non wearable trade list here: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/pootlecat00/277482/

This list is empty.

B) For Trade (NC) : Accessories

This list is empty.

C) For Trade (NC) : Backgrounds

This list is empty.

D) For Trade (NC) : Clothing

This list is empty.

F) For Trade (NC) : Foregrounds & Backdrops

This list is empty.

I) For Trade (NC) : Wigs

This list is empty.

Items pootlecat00 wants

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Amazing Backgrounds (NC)

Most wanted NC backgrounds.

This list is empty.

Baby Poogle Items

Baby items that I would love to add to my collection.

This list is empty.

Backgrounds (NP)

I would love to add these to my collection!

This list is empty.

Clothing (NC)

I would love to add these to my collection!

This list is empty.

Clothing (NP)

I would love to add these to my collection!

This list is empty.

Decorations (NC)

I would love to add these to my collection!

This list is empty.

Decorations (NP)

I would love to add these to my collection!

This list is empty.

Poogle Gallery Items

Needed for my gallery...

This list is empty.