Loopy's items

Neomail loopdela356 loopdela356's lookup

Items Loopy owns

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General Info

Hello and welcome to my UFT/Wishlists, which I am now able to put on DTI since apparently my antivirus no longer blocks the site, lol.

Gonna try and keep this short, since no one wants to read an essay :P

  • I don't do sales, eg 2:1s, 3:1s, so please don't ask.
  • I don't value BF GBCs any higher than normal ones.
  • I don't do Gallery trade lists. Everyone has their hang ups, and that's (one of) mine. I will look at JN, DTI, petpages, as long as the items are in alphabetical order.

Thanks, good luck, and happy trading!


Harder to part with = *

Jelly Kougra
Maraquan Scorchio
Plushie Scorchio *
Robot Uni
Darigan Draik
RG Poogle *
Robot Bori
Faerie Ruki
Maraquan Aisha
Grey Aisha *
Maraquan Krawk
RG Lupe *
RB Lupe *

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General NC UFT. Not seeking GBCs, but may accept other custom offers. Not super attached to most, but will be more picky if I don't have a WL.

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HTPW items. NO GBC or custom offers on these.

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PB Clothing. You'll need a pet of the same color to send me, to move the clothes back to you.

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(Not in a list)

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Items Loopy wants

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Casual Wishes

No hurry for these; can still generally offer Custom/GBCs in addition to my TL. I won't likely offer HTPW, though, until they're moved up to High Priority.

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High Priority

Looking for these first. If I have items here, anything HTPW/HTF will go towards these first before anything else. May open closet for harder to find/higher value wishes.

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