blackrose1357911's items

Neomail blackrose1357911 blackrose1357911's lookup

Items blackrose1357911 owns

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These are all items I really enjoy, and may possibly use in the future. However, I have no current plans for them ……….…………………………………..…. May trade for current wishes :^ )

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UFT: Acces. / Jewelry

888=Side Account .….….… Other # = Quantity Available

This list is empty.

UFT: BG / FG / Trinkets

888=Side Account .….….… Other # = Quantity Available

This list is empty.

UFT: Clothes

888=Side Account .….….… Other # = Quantity Available

This list is empty.

UFT: Wigs / Hats

888=Side Account .….….… Other # = Quantity Available

This list is empty.

Items blackrose1357911 wants

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999 = Main Account, Dreamie Wishes ||||| Other = Quantity

This list is empty.