mrmunkee1's items

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Items mrmunkee1 owns

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I use /~Owls values as a general starting point for my trades, but I do understand that not everyone does. I'm happy to chat with you in order to find trades that feel fair to everyone involved! This list contains all my UFT items. I may be more willing to trade some than others, but I'm always happy to give you a friendly response no matter what.

In addition to my WL, I am often interested in trading for Faerie Quest Cookies, Lab Ray Cookies, dyepots, and sometimes DSS/SSS, GBCs, or customs - not all the time and not for every item, but please feel free to offer!

Jump to my wishlists here. If you prefer Jellyneo, you can see my NC UFT (including non-wearables) here.

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Items mrmunkee1 wants

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Actively Seeking

These are the items I'm trying to hunt down to complete current or "next on deck" customizations, so I'm more highly motivated to make trades for these. I do use /~Owls values as a general starting point and I understand that not everyone does, but I'm happy to chat and find trades that feel fair to everyone involved!

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Casual Wishlist

Please don't hesitate to make me an offer if you have one of these items, but I may politely decline depending upon the circumstances. :) Some of these wishes are more casual than others, but the idea of trying to rank them in separate lists is far too exhausting, so just try me and I'm happy to give you a friendly response either way!

In addition to these items, I may be interested in trading for Faerie Quest Cookies, Lab Ray Cookies, or sometimes dyepots, GBCs, DSSS/SSS, or customs.

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These are items I like to use often and may be interested in trading for duplicates. Most of these wishes are casual, so I may politely decline fair offers, but please don't hesitate to reach out! I will remove items from this list as I collect a surplus.

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(Not in a list)

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