eternale's items

Neomail eternale eternale's lookup

Items eternale owns

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Send me a neomail if I’ve got anything that’s of interest to you!

I’m relying on ~Owls for ballpark value.
Would prefer to trade for WL items but will consider all offers.
Numbers reflect quantities.

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2. uft ( favorites )

I’m either particularly fond of these or using them for customs at the moment. I am happy to consider offers anyway (especially if I’ve got multiples!!), with the caveat that I may value some of these items more than their official OWL value.

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3. uft ( 2+ OWLs )

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4. uft ( 1-2 OWLs )

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5. uft ( other )

Items with no OWL value at the time of listing. Will take a look at DTI ratios.

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7. uft ( buyables )

This list is empty.

Items eternale wants

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2. wishlist ( casual )

Items I think are pretty but am in no great rush to acquire.

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