keroberos's items

Neomail Keroberos_ Keroberos_'s lookup

Items keroberos owns

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0 Hello!

Online daily & Neomail is open.

Please give me 24 hours to respond

I work full time and am only online once a day unless its my weekend. If you plan on neomailing multiple people about the same item please dont ask me to trade, I appreciate proper trade etiquette. FYI I check OWLS, EYA and ItemDB recent data trades for values. If I didnt respond I may have just forgot and please feel free to follow up.

Box Count: 8 (BFGBC Count: 9)

Not seeking custom for VHTPW/HTPW

Offering TL and custom for priority wishes

This list is empty.

0.a HTPW

This list is empty.

0.b Dyeworks

This list is empty.

0.c Backgrounds

This list is empty.

0.e Foregrounds/Garlands

This list is empty.

0.f Lower Foreground/Higher Foreground

This list is empty.

0.g Clothing/Accessories

This list is empty.

0.i Handheld/Trinkets

This list is empty.

Sale 2:1

This list is empty.

Items keroberos wants

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