Rascle's items

Neomail rascle90 rascle90's lookup

Items Rascle owns

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NC For Trade

trading resumed. I'll try my best to be responsive. Typically if I don't respond, it's only for indecision.,

I have these items to trade for items on my NC wishlist. I also have 6* GBC's for trade. Also available: Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram x3 Halloween Haul Gram x3 Creepy Mutant Gram x3 Pumpkin Picking Retired Mystery Capsule x2

I am not looking to trade for GBC/Custom at this time.

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UFT for Higher Priority

Items Rascle wants

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Actively seeking for a custom

The real priority wishes list (I'll be real I can't remember what these are for)

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Highest Priority NC Wants

Will trade anything I own including custom/GBC

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NC Wants

Will consider TL for any of these items though will prioritize customs I can trade. These are items I'd like but have no immediate plans for, so I may or may not be actively seeking.

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Priority NC Wants

These are likely items i'm already needing for a customization. Will prioritize trades I can offer customs for, but my TL is also open for trading for this list.

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