booboobut's items

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Items booboobut owns

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a. Introduction

hi, i'm moss!

i'm currently seeking WL items, BF/GBCS, RR Caps, Essentials Caps, and Cookies

feel free to reach via NM or on discord: @mosscobble

99: HTPW

Tokens UFT

Grey Cybunny

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c. UFT Backgrounds

it makes my heart happy to see all of the pretty squares together

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f. UFT Foregrounds & Trinkets

This list is empty.

i. 2:1 Sale!

2:1 GBC, 3:1 BFGBC This is where items go to die

This list is empty.

z. Currently Trading

These items are in trade limbo and i cannot accept offers on/for them.

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Items booboobut wants

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a. Have plans for actively

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c. Passively Seeking

These are just pretty things that I may want one day- feel free to offer them but I only really trade casually for them! :3

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z. Filler Wishlist

Never trading for these, just stuff that looks neat + stuff to fill a larger trade

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