wonderbutt22's items

Neomail wonderbutt23 wonderbutt23's lookup

Items wonderbutt22 owns

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A. Highlights

I have two hidden closets, if I'm looking for something pop/htf in the need now WL feel free to send your WL ^^

5 - Pending Trade

99 - I am pickier with these items or I value it higher. Anything NFT is hidden so feel free to offer on them ^^

2 - I have at least one extra

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B. Backgrounds

This list is empty.

C. Foregrounds and stuff

This list is empty.

E. Dyeworks

This list is empty.

F. Clothes/Wigs

This list is empty.

H. Other Wearables

I. Not so good stuff

This list is empty.

Items wonderbutt22 wants

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A. Need now

This is my current prio list. Generally stuff in the mall or stuff I need ASAP for a custom.

21 = Would like to find in a 2:1

9 = Want a little extra

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D. I don't need it, but I like it

Some of these I'm only interested in as a 2:1, all items that I'd probably use though ^^

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E. Very casual

These are items I'm not sure on, or more expensive than I'd want to spend on them so waiting for RR lol!

This list is empty.
Dress to Impress
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