painted_dreams87's items

Neomail painted_dreams87 painted_dreams87's lookup

Items painted_dreams87 owns

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1) Trade Notes

Updated: December 21st, 2024

Non-Wearables UFT:

Filigree Shenkuu Wallpaper (neohome)
Usukiboy Usul Nostalgic Token

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2) Top Highlights

These items are popular, hard to find, and/or reach ~5+ value on the high end.

"99" indicates that the item is currently in my closet. It's still UFT but is likely a little hard to part with. All closeted items are listed here, so they may not fit the description above.

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3) Nice Highlights

These items are somewhat sought after, a bit hard to find, and/or reach ~3+ value on the high end.

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4) Highlights

These items are nicer and/or less common than those on the regular tradelist.

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5) Regular Tradelist

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6) Sale List

These items are very common and/or I have extras of them. I'll usually trade them 2:1 for a GBC.

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Items painted_dreams87 wants

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z) Dream Wishlist

These are all items that I love but will likely never own due to their cost and/or rarity. Always seeking these.

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