Last trade/update: February 2025 - Currently updating values so a lot of my lists are unavailable at this time. Be back soon.
***Skins UFT: Nostalgic Darigan Techo & Valentine Plushie Aisha
First of all, if you mail me looking for a trade allow me the time to respond before you mail someone else. If I don't respond within 2-3 days, I'm probably doing the bare minimum and not prioritizing trading. I will respond back though so if you can wait, I'll be with you as soon as I am able. If the item is here then I probably have it and if you're offering a wish list piece not in the Low Priority list I'll probably accept so do me that courtesy. I'm also human and forget to remove pieces sometimes that I've already obtained or traded away. I apologize in advance if this happens. As always, if I don't mail you back within a day or two, feel free to mail me again. I know I said above I'm probably away but mail likes to not come through some times and I don't mind duplicates.
With that said, everything here is uft. I'm primarily looking to trade item for item but I will do gbc, rr caps, grams, customs and cookies depending on the piece. All my values are based on /~Owls as well as a the DTI ratio chart on /~Eya. If you'd like one of my pieces, let me know what you've got. Even if you don't have something I'm looking for, mail me your trade list anyway. I often find pieces I like that aren't on my lists. I always try to offer what's fair and expect the same in return so please show me proof if your number is different from what I currently have listed. If I offer on one of your pieces and my offer is considerably lower than value, please don't take offense to it. It's not that I'm trying to get one over on you, it's just that I don't spend 24/7 on the trade boards keeping track of current value and with incomplete trading history on many of my wish items it's hard to know what some things may be valued at.
All trades come to my main mintcandycane unless I tell you otherwise. If you have something I'm looking for, please feel free to mail me and see if I'm interested, especially if you have them in a sale at a discount of their normal value. I'm always looking for a bargain. Lastly, Neo is supposed to be fun so stop taking this so seriously folks.
This list is empty.Anything here is probably in the mall now but will be retiring so doesn't technically have a place in my lists or it is something that has recently retired/resurfaced. If you offer on these, please don't be offended if I turn a reasonable offer down. I'm probably wanting a higher offer as I feel the piece may ultimately be worth more once it retires.
Everything here is valued higher than 1-2 on /~owls and/or may have a comparable amount of seeking/trading. The numbers are values on /~owls or what I personally value the pieces at. I will double always double check values prior to trades. Please don't hesitate to mail me, especially if you have items in my wish lists. I prefer trading item for item and I'm always willing to negotiate, even if I might not ultimately agree.
The title explains it all. These are my dyeworks pieces. I would prefer to trade 1:1 for other dyeworks of equal value that I need (check list below). I will accept caps as well but since most people value dw on the higher end of value I will not take any less then 2 caps for any item here unless you are offering a bf gbc. Anything with a number greater than 2 means I value them more than the others. The higher the number, the more valued but don't hesitate to offer.
The following items are all from grams. Numbers indicate which gram each piece is from. Unless I have more than one of a specific type of gram, I would only be able to trade one item per gram list. The grams I have are: 1=Unique Species Valentine Gram; 2=Shrieking Call Halloween Gram (have LE); 3=Vintage Halloween Party Gram; 4=Enchanting Sweetheart Gram; 5=Altador Cup Fizzy Fan Gram (have LE); 6=Sweet Treats Sweetheart Gram; 7=Heart Breaker Sweetheart Gram; 8=Call Me Sweetheart Gram; 9=Classic Halloween Costume Gram; 10=Date Night Sweetheart Gram (have LE); 11=Love is Undead Sweetheart Gram; 12=Teddy Bear Sweetheart Gram; 13=Let Love Grow Sweetheart Gram; 14=Queen of the Maraquan Sea Gram (have LE); 15=King of the Maraquan Sea Gram; 16=Altador Cup Uniquely Fanrific Gram; 17=Creepy Mutant Gram; 18=Unique Species Green Gram; 19=Berry Cute Chocolate Sweetheart Gram (have LE); 20=Love Sucks Sweetheart Gram (have LE); 21=Daunting Doll Mutant Gram (have LE); 22=Unique Holiday Gram (have LE)
Everything without a number is 1 regular gbc or 2:1 bf gbc. Everything with a number is 2 regular gbcs or 1:1 bf gbc. There shouldn't be any buyables here but if you see one please feel free to mail me. I don't count items of chance as buyable so shenanigifts, hubrid nox and the like are all here as well.
Everything here is buyable in the mall or has a large number of pieces uft so is available 2:1 for regular gbc and 3:1 for bf gbc. I will consider 2:1 (3:1) trades for all side account pieces as well if I have boxes on the side where the piece is. I'm more likely to include a side piece if you're interested in something from this list as well just so I can clear out my closet on my main.
If you see something here you'd like, please let me know that it was on my side account that you saw it listed for. Numbers on items are for my own personal reference, not value so be sure to check /~waka prior to offering.
I also have the following non-wearable pieces uft as well: 13th Birthday Whimsical Cupcake, 13th Birthday Diamond Cupcake, 13th Birthday Midsummer Cupcake, Fringed Heart Valentine Goodie Bag, Candy Vampire Goodie Bag, Neopets 15th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag, Jowlard Goodie Bag, Vandagyre Goodie Bag, Polar Trousers Goodie Bag, Floating in Love Valentine Goodie Bag, Neopets 18th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag, 11th Birthday Constellation Cupcake, 11th Birthday Tropical Cupcake, 11th Birthday Crystal Cupcake, Neopets 19th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag, Colourful Hearts Valentine Goodie Bag, Candy Hearts Valentine Goodie Bag, Raindorf Goodie Bag, 7th Birthday Cake Slice #2, Gift Box from NetDragon: Scorchio Party Pack, Neopets 16th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag, Halloween Barbat Goodie Bag, 10th Birthday Golden Cupcake, Bubblebee Mine Goodie Bag and Purple Festive Balloons Goodie Bag. These may or may not be able to be sent as is. If you're interested in any of these as is, please do your research prior to requesting.
Please Read: Paint brush clothing are not tradeable! Paint brush clothing are not tradeable! Paint brush clothing are not tradeable!
With that said, everything here is available but you MUST have a pet of the same color as you're requesting to move the clothing (stealthy draik to move stealthy draik clothing). I can hang onto clothing while you look but it is much easier if you have the pet lined up already. So, please feel free to mail me if you'd like any of these pieces.
For my reference 3/drag 5/ging
These are items I absolutely have to have at some point. If you offer item/item trades on these pieces chances are I will accept. Numbers indicate what the piece was trading for on waka/priscilla prior to their demise. If an item is marked 23 that means it would be 2-3 gbc. Anything priced 10 means the piece is valued at 10 gbc, anything with a 1 and another number but zero ie: 13 means the piece is worth 1-3, not 13. Anything without a number is valued at 1-2. Anything with a 99 currently has no trade value information anywhere. If you have something I'm looking for that has no current trade value, let me know what you value it at so we can possibly negotiate. Since there aren't any value guides anymore, unless I see a board indicating that the value has changed from what I have listed, I will not change what I currently have it valued at.
Everything here is for my lovely baby pet. I believe I have values on all but will check Owls as needed for trades. If you have something here, please feel free to mail me even if your value is different than mine.
One of the few divas on side accounts that warrants the use of NC because NP items just weren't doing her justice.
Everything listed here is for one of the few side pets who needs NC pieces for the perfect custom because she is just too diva for anything else. Everything here is high priority
This list is empty.These are pieces I would be ok with doing gbc trades for depending on the value. Always looking for these in gbc/cookie sales. Numbers reflect value at my last update. Anything with a 99 is unvalued anywhere.
These are pieces I will not offer on or accept offers for unless I see them in a multi-item trade such as 2:1, 3:1, etc so please don't offer them on my trade list, especially pieces valued higher than 1-2. I am aware that a lot of these would probably not be found in a gbc sale so probably have little interest in obtaining until I've gotten all my medium to high priority wishes which there are a lot of.
Everything here is valued over 10 gbc consistently either on waka or priscilla. Numbers indicate values as of last update. Anything with a 999 is valued in the triple digits. Needless to say, unless TNT re-releases these OR someone essentially gifts it to me, they will remain a dream until I've obtained every other piece I have above.
This list is empty.These are all the neopoint pieces I need to complete my ever expanding closet. If you have one of these items up for sale/trade, please feel free to mail me.
These are all the paint brush only pieces I need to obtain for my main account pets. I also need the pet to move all sets. If item is marked with a 55, then I have the piece but need the pet. If it's marked with a 66, I have the pet but need the piece. If you happen to have a spare set of any of these, please feel free to mail me.