crsawinton's items

Neomail crsawinton crsawinton's lookup

Items crsawinton owns

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If I don't respond to neomail don't hesitate to try again - sometimes I get busy and forget and sometimes the site just eats mail.

Numbers represent quantity owned not value - I generally go by ~Owls values.

~(Not interested in trading for GBCs - may accept caps, dyepots, lab, archive or upcycle cookies though)~ I don't accept GBCs because I have TONS of boxes - because I buy NC cards and redeem those and get free boxes instead of buying straight from the NC Mall. I usually buy from but if that site is ever down there's also several sellers on - Marina and Bruno are popular sellers and active in the Neopets Nation FB group. :D

Online daily. - side note, I occasionally forget to update my tl, sorry!!

~Christina Winton

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Backgrounds UFT

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Dyeworks UFT

dyeworks items UFT

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Extra PB clothes from lab - FREE!

Free PB clothes - you must own the pet in the color of the clothing, when you transfer the nude pet to me and I transfer it back the clothing will go with the pet. If the pet is not the same color as the pb clothing it will not transfer!

I usually keep my pet slots full so I will need to transfer one of my pets to a side acct to make room to do this

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Extremely hard to part with

Items I use often or really like but may be willing to trade for something I want more.

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NP items for sale - NM to negotiate

Neopoint items I'm selling - NFT.

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Slightly harder to part with

UFT but only for higher priority items

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Up for trade

*Number represents how many I have not value - I generally go by ~Owls values.

(The items that are worth 1~2 I will also trade for archive cookies, lab cookies, dyepots, and/or some caps. Not everything on this list is the same value No GBCs please. )

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Wigs UFT

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Items crsawinton wants

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Dyeworks ISO

Dyeworks I still need - will trade FQC, dyepot, small item, or BF GBC for 2 of these.

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low priority wishlist

Might still be willing to trade for these - try me! :)

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