evilduckeh's items

Neomail evilduckeh evilduckeh's lookup

Items evilduckeh owns

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0. Notes

Last updated Jan 26, 2024

I use /~Owls as a guideline and tend to VC items with volatile values in the current rerelease era (which I love).

I am online less these days. If you haven't received a reply in 24 hours, please poke me again. (I try to keep nm cleared but if full and you want to trade shoot me a foal in a box)

My closet is set to private but I am willing to trade from it when offering on bigger wishes. If you can see it, I have a pending trade :)

This list is empty.

2. Nicer Items

This list is empty.

3. Regular UFT

This list is empty.

4. 2:1 items

This list is empty.

Items evilduckeh wants

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1. Let a girl dream

99 = highest priority

This list is empty.

2. Planned Customs Priority

99 = highest priority

This list is empty.

3. Reg Wishes

99 = highest priority

This list is empty.

4. Lower Priority / Maybies

This list is empty.


This list is empty.

Things I am not supposed to try and replace

This list is empty.
Dress to Impress
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