crowdango's items

Neomail caitdango caitdango's lookup

Items crowdango owns

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1. Preface

I am only seeking wishlist items at this time!
I'm also casually looking for a Nostalgic Robot Ixi

I'm not interested in GBCs unless I have a board up specifically looking for them.
Otherwise, I welcome Neomails and will do my best to respond ASAP!

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1a. Highlights

Not necessarily HTPW, but possibly so! Mostly stuff that is of higher value or that seem to be popular.

These items may also be found in my account-specific lists - this doesn't mean I have duplicates, but helps me figure out where they're located. :)

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2. Caitdango (main account)

Box Count: 30

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Items crowdango wants

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2. Lower Priority

4. We Have (item) At Home

Things that I already have, but that I either find particularly neat or generally suit my aesthetic / would absolutely be used in multiple customizations.

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