ventarix's items

Neomail Ventarix Ventarix's lookup

Items ventarix owns

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Items ventarix wants

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1. High Priority

These are items I'm actively seeking and will prioritize them over others.

I have D/SSS and Dyeworks Potions available, and I can do Custom as well. Feel free to Neomail me offers any time!

I'm a current and active player, and I customize all 20 of my pets' outfits several times each week, so random donations are always appreciated and will be used!

Lists are current and active as of: March 2025

Trades: OPEN

This list is empty.

2. Medium Priority

These are items I'm seeking more casually. I'm happy to trade for any of these.

I have D/SSS and Dyeworks Potions available, and I can do Custom as well. Feel free to Neomail me offers any time. <3

I'm a current and active player, and I customize all 20 of my pets' outfits several times each week, so random donations are always appreciated and will be used!

Lists are current and active as of: March 2025

Trades: OPEN

This list is empty.

3. Low Priority

These are items I want just for the sake of owning, but I'm not actively seeking them and may pass them over for others.

I have D/SSS and Dyeworks Potions available, and I can do Custom as well. Feel free to Neomail me offers any time.

I'm a current and active player, and I customize all 20 of my pets' outfits several times each week, so random donations are always appreciated and will be used!

Lists are current and active as of: March 2025

Trades: OPEN

This list is empty.

4. Baby

These are items I'm seeking VERY casually. They are NOT a priority compared to the items from my other lists.

I have D/SSS and Dyeworks Potions available, and I can do Custom as well.

I'm a current and active player, and I customize all 20 of my pets' outfits several times each week, so random donations are always appreciated and will be used!

Lists are current and active as of: March 2025

Trades: OPEN

This list is empty.

(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.