jiyoon's items

Neomail farewell farewell's lookup

Items jiyoon owns

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**Hello there!**

Life's been a bit hectic lately, sorry in advance if I don't respond/miss a neomail it's nothing personal!

Additional UFT:
Vintage Halloween Party Gram x2
Wonderclaw Widget 1-pack x2
Lab Ray Cookie x1
Pink Paper Bag x1

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**Highlights/HTPW Closet**

Highlights and tradeable closet for priority wishes. May value some of these items higher than Waka

9s = HTPW

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1. Main account UFT

Happy to trade most of these items for GBC/upcycle/archive cookies. Open to casual trades as well!

99 = not uft for custom at this time

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3. RI

Happy to trade this list for cookies

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4. SAN

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Items jiyoon wants

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**For Others**


Feel free to offer on my items if you have any of my sister's wishes here ^

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0. Priority Wishes

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2. Wishlist for Gomdorri

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Very low priority, most likely not looking for at the moment. Just a reminder to myself to obtain at some point

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Wow these are NP?

Not a wishlist, just a collection of nice NP wearables for anyone's reference!

Will eventually get around to buying items marked with 9's, feel free to PM me if you're selling items labeled 9999+

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