Nainacatt's items

Neomail Nainacatt Nainacatt's lookup

Items Nainacatt owns

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0:) last updated March 2025

Hi! Feel free to message me if interested in trading. I’m almost always open to trading for retired mystery capsules.

Tokens UFT

Plushie Kacheek

RoyalBoy Korbat

Darigan Draik

This list is empty.

1. Backgrounds

This list is empty.

10. Trinkets

This list is empty.

12. Wigs

This list is empty.

3. Clothes

This list is empty.

4. Accessories

Shoes, glasses, jewelry, bags, hats

This list is empty.

5. Markings

Contacts, makeup, markings

This list is empty.

7. Handhelds

This list is empty.

8. Garlands

This list is empty.

9. Foregrounds

This list is empty.

Items Nainacatt wants

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Looking for in a 2:1 sale