Stuff I recently got UFT
Numbers are quantity but: IF YOU SEE REPEATED NUMBERS ITS RESERVED/BEING USED IN A TRADE CURRENTLY (I have been away for a long time so this list is a work in progress! Updating it slowly! I play very casually so it may take me a bit to respond but I try to respond as soon as i can! im very sorry! ;w; )
Also I have 22 Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Grams :3 (No LE tho!)
Only willing to trade these items for my high priority WL
If the item I have on my WL is a lower value than what’s here I may ask for a/some GBC(s) or something just to balance it out :3
These are ONLY for the items I said I would "sell my soul for" because I value them highly!
X2 Robot Peophin Tokens
Maraquan Cybunny Token
Jelly Kougra Token
THESE ARE PRIMARILY FOR SALE FOR GBCs AND BGFGBCs! I will also trade for Cookies (Lab, Upcycle, Faerie), SSSs, Prismatic Brushes, and DSSSs :3 I'm more than happy to trade these items! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THE ITEM IS FROM THIS SECTION WHEN YOU OFFER. I HAVE A LOT OF ITEMS AND ITS HARD TO KEEP TRACK
This list is empty.Here is a list of Styles I have for trade:
Mutant: Scorchio, Jetsam
Blue: Krawk, Scorchio
Robot: Gnorbu, Peophin x2 (on side)
Jelly: Kau, Usul, Kougra (on side)
Maraquan: Aisha, Draik, Cybunny (on side),
Baby: Aisha
Tyrannian: Lutari
Snow: Bori
Christmas: Aisha
Sponge: Aisha
Other: Alien Aisha
Festive: Hissi
Prismatics: Prismatic Cocoa: Christmas Peophin x2, Prismatic Tinsel: Christmas Peophin, Prismatic Cocoa: Nostalgic Christmas Cybunny (x4), Prismatic Tinsel: Nostalgic Christmas Cybunny (x4), Prismatic Cocoa: Festive Christmas Cybunny (x5), Prismatic Cocoa: Festive Christmas Skeith, Prismatic Cocoa: Festive Christmas Wocky (x6),
Anything and everything is free game for these items. (please offer accordingly tho) Will trade from all sections
These are items that I am looking for friends! :D Please feel free to contact me for trades! Will trade from All sections (except section 8)
I am willing trade almost anything for these items. Can offer BFGBCs or GBCs to balance out trades
Will trade for items from sections 0-7
Will trade for things from The regular list + what i listed as "only for High Prio" (sections 0-6)
This list is empty.Willing to trade for items from regular UFT (sections 0-5)
This list is empty.This list is of items I’d like to have but may not trade really rare items for until I make a custom for these.
The hat if for a friend! trying to help them get it!
Please see list at:
Faerie: Lutari, Ruki, Xweetok, Eyrie, Kau, Kougra, Lupe, Peophin
Grey: Bori, Gelert, Kougra
Darigan: Bori, Gelert, Eyrie, Peophin, Zafara
Halloween: Jetsam, Hissi, Uni, Lutari, Eyrie, Bori, Flotsam, Kougra, Xweetok, Cybunny, Gelert, Ixi, Nimmo, Peophin
Mutant: Blumaroo, Bruce, Elephante, Gnorbu, Grarrl, Grundo, Kiko, Koi, Kyrii, Lenny, Mynci, Quiggle, Ruki, Shoyru, Skeith, Tonu, Tuskainny, Zafara
Plushie: Draik, Kougra, Zafara, Cybunny, Gelert, Kau, Poogle, Peophin
Royals: RB Kougra x2, RG Bruce, RG Elephante, RG Lupe, RG Zafara, RB Zafara, RB Shoyru, RB AIsha, RG Aisha, RG Lupe, RG Kougra, RG Shoyru
Tyrannian: Bori, Uni, Peophin, Krawk, Kougra, Mynci, Lupe, Ogrin, Ruki
Anniversary: Shoyru, Cybunny
Desert: Kau
Ghost: Hissi, Techo, Lupe