Most of these items are in my closet but I'd be fine with trading many of them, I'm just a hoarder.
Any baby items or items I have multiples of are definitely up for trade, as are items I listed as having no attachment to.
Items I'm using or just in love with, I will likely hold onto short of overoffers or things I just can't refuse. That list should be public rather than trading, but idk what dti does.
Items that are not in a specific list are a grey area for me. I'll probably trade them but I might reject completely fair offers if I just like my item more.
Always willing to trade for green neoboard pens. Currently interested in dye pots as well.
I can take a few days to reply depending on my schedule, but I never ignore anyone and I try to reply as soon as possible. If you go more than three days without a reply, feel free to resend your message. I might've forgotten or missed it.
You won't have to twist my arm.
Consider this my HTPW list. Getting me to trade these would be difficult, and probably require an overoffer.
Replacements for things I traded away or perhaps doubles for things I have but would like a spare of. Not of any particular priority, but higher than my noncommittal handwave list.
Need her prodigiously.
Still pretty focused on this stuff but not to the obsessive degree of high priority items.
I just think they're neat
Bro I love these things