UPDATED: Nov. 21
Hi there! Looking to trade for items on my WL. <3
My offers to you!
Always offering my TL but I can also offer Caps, GBCs, Customs if preferred.
Your offers to me!
I'm primarily seeking WL items, Caps, and GBCs.
Please include an offer in your NM, even if it's just the GBC value.
I do the research for my offers, and appreciate when others do the same.
What else?
Priority wishes are for permie customs.
Quantities are for my tracking.
Pending trades are held for 48 hours.
Let's talk about it!
Online often, feel free to NM me. <3
These are TL items that are currently pending in other trades.
This list is empty.Items I need for permie customs. Can offer anything on my UFT lists & GBCs/caps/customs.
Prefer to swap for items on my UFT lists but I'm open to GBCs/caps/customs.
These are WL items that are currently pending in other trades.