trishuation's items

Neomail trishuation trishuation's lookup

Items trishuation owns

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*~ Welcome to my Trading List! ~*

Currently offering custom for priority wishes!

Hi there! I'm glad you found my list! I love NC trading, and I'm always open to receiving trade offers via neomail! I do get quite a few of them, and while I generally respond within a day, I do get overwhelmed and need a break or time to catch up sometimes! If you don't hear back from me quickly, that's probably why. I never ignore neomails, even if I'm not interested (I will always kindly let you know!) so please give me a couple of days to reply. I promise I will get back to you :)

I hope you enjoy browsing my list! Happy trading!

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List for casual trades! Includes some items I'm not quite ready to part with yet but would consider depending on the item.

I'm always open to receiving trade offers via neomail! I do get quite a few of them, so please give me a couple of days to reply. Online daily!

88 = not quite ready to part with but also not one of my highlights, would still be willing to consider for the right offer

last updated: august 18, 2024

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My personal highlights that I really like or use a lot!

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Please take these!

Items that are just taking up space in my closet and/or gallery at this point and just want to get rid of!

These are all 2:1 for a GBC & 4:1 for a BFGBC.

Tbh though I am very likely to accept almost any offer you give me for these because I really just need to make some space :)

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Items trishuation wants

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Casual Wishes

NOTE: Some of these items may be for future customs and I may not be seeking all of them at this time, but I've done my best to mark the ones I am actively seeking. :)

Even if an item isn't marked, please feel free to send offers anyway. I won't always update this consistently, plus sometimes things just fall through the cracks!

99 = Actively Seeking
999 = Highest Priority (potentially willing to over offer depending on the item)

last updated: august 17, 2024

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