butterflychick2073's items

Neomail butterflychick2073 butterflychick2073's lookup

Items butterflychick2073 owns

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1 [ Highlights ]

I'm not actively trading right now. Some of my highlights might be outdated from rereleases.
I always have custom available for my wishes

15 BF GBCs (2020)
NC Mall 14th Birthday Ona Mystery Capsule x10
Retired Superpack Mystery Capsule 2022 x5
Petrifying Pumpkin Phantom Retired Mystery Capsule x4

Maraquan Gelert
Plushie Wocky
Royalgirl Shoyru This list is empty.

2 [ Dyeworks ]

Items marked 99 are not UFT for caps/custom

This list is empty.

3 [ Regular UFT ]

Just the normies

This list is empty.

4 [ Buyables & 2:1 ]

Stuff nobody wants to trade for. Separated from my regular TL for your convenience.

This list is empty.

Items butterflychick2073 wants

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