usukiland's items

Neomail rainy_dazed rainy_dazed's lookup

Items usukiland owns

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0.0 - Welcome~

hello! my lists are organized as so:

-private closet (sometimes displayed, sometimes not)

-public closet

-wearable type

Numbers ARE NOT QUANTITY OR VALUE! They are for my reference only. I value mostly according to Owls.

--------------- GRAMS UFT ---------------

Sleepless Spyder Mutant Gram x4

Love Sucks Sweetheart Gram x1

Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram x9

Pink Uni Club Sweetheart Gram x1

Be My Boo Sweetheart Gram x7

Unique Species Green Gram x9

--------------- CAPS UFT ---------------

Pumpkin Spice Mystery Capsule x1

Pumpkin Picking Retired Mystery Capsule x5

Munching Meepits Gift Box Mystery Capsule x2

Lucky Kad Retired Mystery Capsule x1

Cutie Pie Weewoo Gift Box Mystery Capsule BFGBC x8

--------------- NON WEARABLES UFT ---------------

Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag x1

Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag x1

Love Letters Valentine Goodie Bag x1

Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag x1

7th Birthday Cake Slice #2 x1

7th Birthday Cake Slice #3 x1

16th Clowning Around Birthday Cake x1

16th Wonderland Birthday Cake x1

Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie x3

Money Tree Cupcake x3

17th Void Birthday Cupcake x4

17th Cyberpunk Neon Birthday Cake x4

17th Enchanted Forest Birthday Cake x1

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0.2 Public Closet

favorite closet items- you can still offer if you want but I am much less likely to accept even with fair offers sorry!!

All absolutely NFT items are in a private list, but I will still be a bit picky. I would really like top priority or high value items for these.

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Background Items/Trinkets

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Items usukiland wants

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3. regular wl (low priority)

aka, things i would like to have but dont need for a specific custom

I always want these but I am probably looking for them as add ons, 2:1 sales, or casual trades :)

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9. NP Wishlist

Things to buy for myself sometime. :)

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