artie.ficial's items

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Items artie.ficial owns

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00. Welcome to my TL! *ON HIATUS*

Highlights | Special | BGs | Garlands/showers | Foregrounds | Wearables | FQC sale | Old caps | Skip to WL

✰ I go in and out of hiatus. If neomailing, please don't feel the need to wait on my response, I won't take it personally! ;)

✰ Due to IRL, I am not online often so replies may be slow. I am not actively seeking any particular wishes so feel free to send me your TLs to peruse.

Ignore numbers unless otherwise defined, those are for my own reference!

• Grey Ixi
• Faerie Draik
• Maraquan Kau
• Faerie Tuskaninny

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01a. Highlights

Pickier with some more than others

This list is empty.

02. BGs

This list is empty.

03. Foregrounds

Esta lista está vazia.

04. Garlands/Showers

This list is empty.

05. Wearables

This list is empty.

06. Junk

Make offers, these need to go

This list is empty.

Items artie.ficial wants

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01. offering bf gbcs + highlights + pops sections

99: offering "Special" list
BFGBCs currently available for these wishes!
Pickier with some wishes than others.

This list is empty.

03. low priority (offering fqcs)

Spares, filler, stuff I dont have plans for, and low priority replacements. Mixed bag of unorganized wishes.
21: offering 1 FQC or seeking in 2:1 BFGBC

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