yopojoe's items

Neomail beabanana beabanana's lookup

Items yopojoe owns

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I'm back to trading, sorry to those whose messages I didn't respond to in the last week or so. I had so many and time has passed so I won't be going back to respond to them. -4/10/24 ____________________________

I am tending to only trade for high priority & regular wishes, BF GBC/dyepots/custom at this time.

Life is BUSY and I get a lot of trade mail. It takes me some time to look through it all. However, I will respond, even if days later, if I am interested. Sorry that's just where life is at right now.

I can browse your TL if you do not have my wishes. As a busy adult, I tend to ignore obvious lowball offers.

I use /~owls and /~valisar


Link to my Retired Capsules, Grams, and Non-Wearables UFT:


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a. Highlights (dyepot/BF GBC offers ok)

Considering dyepot and BF GBC
Not seeking Very Casual Wishes for this list.

If you have my casual wishes, I will look at your TL, but to save you time, please do not mail an offer with a list of my casual wishes.

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c. Item:Item trades most likely (can try BF GBC offer)

99 means it is my last one/HTPW/am picky with it
Other numbers are for my reference

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d. UFT for Items/Dyepots/BF GBCs

I will look at offers of wishes, BF GBC, Dyeworks Potion, or custom offers for this section.

Numbers are for personal reference only.

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h.Closet (not for trade)

Not for trade right now
If you see something you need, you can try asking me, because some of this is not sorted properly.

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Sale / 1:1 DW Potion / Items

what the title says. will trade for items too

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Items yopojoe wants

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e---- Items I don't immediately need for customs but am interested in

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f----Very Casual Wishes

These are items I am interested in but may or may not trade them for GBC (except for 2:1 items, of course I will trade those for GBC) :)
Or may or may not trade for at all, depending on priority.

Basically, everyyyyything I like goes here so it's not guaranteed I would accept trade offers from this list, but it doesn't hurt to ask, as they are still in this list for a reason :)

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g---Gallery Items I am Seeking

These are not a priority right now

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Dress to Impress
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