Kamal's items

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Items Kamal owns

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. Please Read! .

TYSM to yuiopyuiop222 for trading me Colourful Yarn Sweater!!!

Subtle Blush is NOT for trade, if it's on my list DTI yet again just did not delete it from my public trading list. I have deleted it 5+ times. This list is empty.

z Background Items z

This list is empty.

z Backgrounds z

This list is empty.

z Foregrounds/Garlands z

This list is empty.

z Handhelds z

This list is empty.

z Hats/Wigs z

This list is empty.

z Markings / Makeup z

This list is empty.

z Shirts/Dresses z

This list is empty.

(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.

Items Kamal wants

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Bouncing Tennis Ball Empires

Yes this is real

BTBs are worth 1/4th of a cap. Don't offer me only one for my items.....

BTB Empire Count: 47/100

This list is empty.