calliefai's items

Neomail calliefai calliefai's lookup

Items calliefai owns

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0. Updated March. 18th, 2025

Values based on Owls + Ratios

I value some items higher or lower than Owls according to ratios

Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies: 4

Styling Studio Supplies: 0

Styling Studio Prismatic Brush: 1

25th Anniversary Aisha Black Friday Gift Box Mystery Caps: 5

Cutie Pie Weewoo Gift Box Mystery Caps: 2

GBC's: 2

Gift Boxes: 1

Lab Ray FC: 0


Dyepots: 11

A Winters Dance Retired Mystery Capsule: 4

Custom Available: 325nc

Please don't be afraid to neomail me and offer, I will always respond with kindness!

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1. Some other nice things

Some other things... open to BF GBC's/GBC's/cookies & custom :)

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Some very lovely things, open to offers & looking for wishes. Some are a little hard to part with <3

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2.5 Closet & VVHTPW

Mostly up for trade only if I offer <3

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3. Everything Else!

Offer whatever :)

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Pending Trade

Keeping track of trades lined up!

This contains the items I'm trading as well as the ones I'm trading for, so I can remove them from my WL :)

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Items calliefai wants

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0.01 Dreamies

1.1 Medium Priority Wishlist

These are varying in priority, offering tl & potentially the other items I have listed at the top of this page.

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2.1 Low Priority Wishlist

Very, VERY casual. Mostly just a list of interesting items to play around with on DTI. Not actively seeking.

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2.2 Duplicates

Items I wouldn't mind having duplicates of :)

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3.0 Would like to replace some day

Items I've traded away at some point and would like to add to my closet again :)

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4.0 NP Wishes

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