meggie_123's items

Neomail meggie_123 meggie_123's lookup

Items meggie_123 owns

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values last updated: september 2024

currently on a semi-trading hiatus!

i use OWLS but i don't always agree with the values. items are ranked at the highest OWLS evaluation - i will value your items in this manner as well. I'm always willing to negotiate!

numbers indicate the value for each item: 99 = 00-00, 1= buyables

i am only open to GBCs/Mystery Caps/FQCs for anything marked 1 or 2

(or otherwise stated!)

This list is empty.


This list is empty.

Accessories and Trinkets

This list is empty.


This list is empty.


This list is empty.

Clothing & Wigs

This list is empty.

Foregrounds and Garlands

This list is empty.

Items meggie_123 wants

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numbers indicate what i value each item at (according to owls)

trade list available as well as always willing to discuss customs/GBCs/Caps/Cookies for any of the items!

This list is empty.

*needed for immediate customs*

This list is empty.


This list is empty.