meggie_123's items

Neomail meggie_123 meggie_123's lookup

Items meggie_123 owns

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values last updated: february 2025

i use OWLS but i don't always agree with the values.

always open to looking through trade lists!

numbers indicate the value for each item: 99 = 00-00, 1= buyables

Tokens Available:

Nostalgic Tyrannian Draik x2

Nostalgic Grey Draik

Nostalgic Darigan Draik

Nostalgic Valentine Aisha

Prismatic Cyan: Nostalgic Faerie Aisha

This list is empty.

2 for 1 GBC

numbers indicate quantities available

This list is empty.

Accessories & Clothing

This list is empty.


This list is empty.

Beauty & Contacts

This list is empty.

Foregrounds and Garlands

This list is empty.


This list is empty.

Items meggie_123 wants

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numbers indicate what i value each item at

This list is empty.


things i’m actively seeking atm

This list is empty.


things i eventually might want

This list is empty.


things i need to replace

This list is empty.