I am currently looking for these UC Tokens, and happy to trade my NC wearables in exchange for them. I can also do 1:1 SSS , 2:1 DSS or 2 or 3 GBCs.
-Faerie Bori -Faerie Lenny -Faerie Pteri -Baby Ruki
Trading away: Baby Korbat
I'm happy to stay neofriends after and keep in touch if you'd like :D!
I prefer to trade for priority wishlist items! In certain cases, capsules, custom, dyepots and cookies (specifically Plot Point and Upcycle please) are totally fine for specific items, but for others I'd like to preferably trade them for dreamies!
I follow Owls and take DTI 2020 ratios into consideration for trading values.
NO GBCs sorry please. Only BFGBCs.
Each item is a case by case basis dependent on the value of it as guided by Owls and DTI 2020 ratios.
Dyework swaps are welcomed (as long as same value like currently dyeable items)
Customs, capsules are also welcomed but I also would like to trade for dream items ideally.
NO GBCs sorry please. Only BFGBCs.
2 items for 1 Mystery Capsule (of your choosing to give except Money Tree capsule) OR 2 items for 1 Upcycle Cookie. 2:1 trade.
1 item for 1 Dye Pot Potion OR Pink Paper Bag. 1:1 trade.
Faerie and lab ray cookies are also welcomed if you prefer that instead :3.
These may not be the most popular or high valued items to some people and might be easy to find for most traders, but to me, I just find them so cute it's hard to let go!
Some items I'm less attached to, but others will be very difficult for me to part with!
Some items I'm using on customs right now.
PLEASE I NEED THIS ITEM. I am desperate! Name your price!
This list is empty.These are dreamies that I adore that I would love to put on my pets ASAP.
These are the items I'm actively seeking and that I greatly desire to give to my pets' customs. Owning these would make me so happy!
I'm aware some of these items are so rare or high valued, but a girl can look and dream... someday sighs...
Pretty items I'm not actively seeking everyday for. However I'll still keep a reasonable lookout for them.
Neopoint dreamies I'd love to have! Most are faerie themed items!
I already own these dyeworks, but I'm looking for multiple extras as they are something I use frequently or like.