These are higherish value, but I'm not particularly attached to them. Willing to take offers of RR caps or items from my wishlist! (but probably nothing from my low priority list, but no harm in asking)
These items are available in grams I have
Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram (x3)
Altador Cup Cozy Fan Gram (x1)
Fantastic Filters Gram (x13)
Unique Holiday Gram (x6)
On my side, kidmecreche
Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram (x12. 1 LE [HTPW])
Unique Species Valentine Gram (x10. 1 LE [HTPW])
Unique Species Green Gram (x8. 2 LE [HTPW])
Hi hi! Welcome to my DTI trade list! Glad you found me :D
Please don't hesitate to contact me about trades! I'm online daily at least once. No offer is stupid, but please understand if I reject, even if it's a fair offer. Please neomail me at my main, kidme. I will rarely neomail from another account, unless I was accidentally signed into my side, in which case I'll switch back to kidme and confirm I sent an offer.
Happy trading!!
Update October 2024 My tradelist is SO out of date! Work has been rough, my closet is HUGE, DTI glitches on me sometimes, and overall, it just contributes to a TL that is.. not super accurate all the time. I'm doing my best. Please give me a bit of grace, but if you don't have the mental bandwith for that (I totally get it) then it's best to seek your item elsewhere. Otherwise, I'm still on Neopets at least once a day (EST time zone), so feel free to reach out.
Each item can be traded 1:1 for a dyepot or 2:1 for a GBC or 1 DW cap
Make an offer! I don't really agree with their values and value them LESS than their minimum value.
I generally go by OWLs values and most of these I'll accept the lower end of the value if there's a range. If there's a number, it's the quantity. Sometimes accepting custom/GBCs for these items, just ask! Occasionally I rotate these into use and forget to update my TL so I apologize in advance if it's in this list but I pass.
items that have been offered on/up for trade so are currently not available/not seeking until I know the status of pending trades.
These are the items I'm specifically trying to track down. Do I need them? Maybe not. Do I have to have them? Idk, idk, just call me Veruca.
Items I love, but too expensive
These are items I've seen in 2:1 sales so I'd prefer to trade them 2:1 or for a cookie/dyepot. Not particularly high priority for me.