roxychalk's items

Neomail faerieprincesspink84 faerieprincesspink84's lookup

Items roxychalk owns

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hello, hi. back from hiatus, AGAIN :(

I'm back from an extended hiatus; if you NM'd me while I was gone and I never responded, please NM again!

My closet is hidden, so please ask if there is something from my priority list that you are offering and are seeking something specific.

I am actively seeking wish lists 1 & 2; and non-wearables listed in wish list 1. I will only offer from the NM listed on DTI . Discord is the fastest way to reach me (roxychalk).

non-wearables uft

Items marked 22 are pending trade, 77 are gifts, 100 are neopoint items; all other # indicate quantity, I do not put values on my items but I do lean toward Owls values.

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not picky with these :)

accepting gbc, custom, upcycle cookies, or item:item trades

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may or may not accept GBC/custom for these items but I am open to wishes ?

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the z-list

2:1 GBC / 3:1 BF GBC / 1:1 upcycle, small wishes

This list is my upcycle cookie list, I do my best to update once I've donated! My apologies if something is missing.

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z. baby closet

stuff I frequently use, set to public not trading; unless you have priority wishlist items, and even then it's a maybe

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Items roxychalk wants

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1. Wishlist - the "Actively Seeking" episode

Can offer BF GBC/GBC/custom depending on what's in the mall or if needed to add value.

Seeking Nostalgic tokens from this wishlist & also from my Poogle gallery wishlist

Also seeking: x1 Faellie Cherry Blossom Cap (for gallery), Upcycle Cookies (maybe); GBC, SSS, Wonderclaw Tokens (low prio)

22 = pending trade; 100 = neopoint items

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2. interested but not OMG

This is a VERY casual trading list, feel free to NM me but I may decline offers

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3. seeking in your sales

low priority in sales only

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zz. dr. pepper

pops I'd be open to... this list public, not trading

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